
Thursday 12 December 2013


These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how many syllables are in my spelling words.

pre - ferred
ac - cep - ta - ble
con - scien - ti - ous
dis - ci - pline
for - e - ign
gua - ran - tee
ig - nor - ance
i - rre - le - vant
comm - un - i - ca - tion
ne - cess - a - ry
de - fi - nat - e - ly
em - bar - rass
mi - ni - a - ture
fas - ci - nate

Tuesday 3 December 2013

My Speech - Lean On Me

This presentation is about my speech relating to peace.

Monday 2 December 2013


These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how mnay syllables were in my spelling words.

absence - 2
acceptable - 4
conscientious - 5
discipline - 3
foreign - 3
gauge - 1
ignorance - 3
irrelevant - 4
mischief - 2
necessary - 4
definately - 4
possession - 3
receipt - 2
tomorrow - 3

Spelling Words for The week

These are my spelling words for the week. 


Friday 29 November 2013

Researching Anne Frank

This is my presentation about Anne Frank. This term we have been studying
 about the boy in the striped pyjamas and this was one of our task. Hope You Enjoy!


These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how many syllables are in my spelling words.

in - ter - view
ob - ser - va - tion
li - cense
opp - or - tun - i - ty
chor - e - og - ra - phy
or - ga - nis - a - tion
in - te - grat - ing
chor - us
ch - oir
de - fin - ite - ly
ne - cess - a - ry
sin - cer - ely
o - cca - sion
grad - u - a - tion

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Chapter 9 to 12

Monday 25 November 2013


These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how many syllables are in my spelling

ch - oir
chor - e - og - ra - phy
cho - rus
de - fi - nit - ely
grad - u - a - tion
in - te - gra - ting
in - ter - view
li - cense
ne - cess - a ry
ob - ser - va - tion
o - cca - sion
opp - or - tun - i - ty
or - ga - nis - a - tion
sin - cer - e - ly

Alphabetical Order

These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to put my spelling words in order.


Monday 18 November 2013

What's Hiding In My Spelling Words?

These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see what was hinding in my spelling words .

assessment - ment, ass, mass,
definitely - fin, in, tint, filly,
discussion - on, in, discuss, is,
fundraising - fund, raising, is, fun,
integrating - in, great, in, treat,
leisure - sure, is, lie
license - lie, sense, in,
mediocre - I, dior
maintenance - main, ten, nan, in,
principal - a, in, pale,
principle - pale, in,
organisation - organ, is, a, on,
syndicate - sin, ate,
tournament - tourn, name, ment,

Alphabetical Order

These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to put my spelling words in order.



These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how many syllables were in my spelling words.

princ - i - ple
me - di - o - cre
li - cense
lei - su - re
fund - rais - ing
or - ga - nis - a - tion
in - te - gra - ting
syn - di - cate
dis - cuss - ion
de - fin - i - te - ly
a - ssess - ment
tourn - a - ment
main - te - nance
princ - i - pal

Monday 11 November 2013

Friday 8 November 2013


These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see how many syllables were in my spelling words.

rhy - thm
re - sis - tance
ra - ci - sm
fat - ig bb ue
ce - me - te - ry
o - no - ma - to - poei - a
inn - o - cence
phys - i - cal
pro - cess - ion
re - solve - ment
hu - man - i - ty
know - ledge
in - ci - dent

Friday 25 October 2013

How To Make fettuccine

Shopping List:

Two bottles of beachmall, 1 packet of boneless chicken breast, 1 packet of pasta and lastly 1 bowl  of sour cream.

Now step by Step:

Step 1:

Heat up your pot to a maximum pressure of 60 degrees and then put ALL of you pasta in it ( give it 8 to 15 minutes to cook),

Step 2:

Cut you boneless chicken breast into squares,

Step 3:

Then heat up your pot and then throw your chicken breast in for about 5 to 8 minutes until you could see it is starting you whiten up, 

Step 4:

After that you pasta should be cook so drain it out and then chuck it in the pot,

Step 5:

Pour half of the sour cream and then pour all of the beachmall,

Step 6:

Lastly, tos and turn the feta until you could see the beachmall is spread over every where then that means it's cooked,

Then all you have to do now is get a plate and fork and EAT!!!

9 Ways To Annoy Your Sister

9 Ways to Annoy Your Sister

  1. Say she is fat
  2. Not replying to her
  3. Asking her questions 
  4. Change the channel
  5. Playing on her netbook
  6. Going on Facebook when shes home
  7. Not doing my homework but playing games
  8. Being to slow around the basin on foot not on bike
  9. Eating her chocolate, drinking her drink or eating her food

Wednesday 23 October 2013


Highlight the verbs in the following paragraphs then share with Miss Clark..

Long ago, the sun saw a large red and gold bird. It was so beautiful that the sun made him live forever.

At first the phoenix was very happy, but eventually he got tired. So he flew away and hid in the desert all alone. He cried to the sun to make him young and strong again, but the sun did not hear him.

The phoenix returned home and made a nest in a tall palm tree. He made an egg from myrrh and placed it in the nest. He cried out to the sun again. “Please, glorious sun, make me young and strong again!’ This time the sun heard him and shone its burning rays down on the Earth. The rays made the tree burst into flame and the phoenix became a big ball of fire.

When the flames died down, the tree and nest were unharmed but the phoenix had disappeared. Only a pile of ash remained. Soon the ash moved and a young phoenix emerged. It quickly grew to the size of a mature phoenix. Then it collected the ashes, placed them inside the egg and flew away with it. The phoenix placed the egg on the altar of the sun and flew back to live in the desert. Every five hundred years, when it grows old, the phoenix flies back to the old palm tree and is reborn from the ashes.

Complete the table from the words in the text.

Past Tense

Present Tense
Is reborn
Will cry  
Will move
will return

Future Tense
Going to cry
Going to return
Going to move
Going to fly

3. Some verb tenses are irregular. They do not add -s or -es for present tense, or -ed for past tense. Some words change completely. Write irregular verbs from the text in different tenses.

Past Tense:

Present Tense:


Future Tense:



Tuesday 22 October 2013


This is my google drawing about Integrity. I had to think of as many words as I can that relate to it. I also had to say what it means to me.

Poem About The Sunset

For every one of us a last sunset is like a first,
A saying that has been around for years that came from someone really wise,
And every sunset that we see is one nearer to our eyes,
This evening the sun is like a huge orange ball,
Set behind the Mt Wellington hill,
It’s very very small,
And how many more sunsets for me since time does not stand ever still,
I watched it disappear from view where it set the sky was red,
A weather sign in the twilight sky of warmer days ahead,
For all of us a last sunset so very very true,
No matter what we achieve in life some of us are almost due.

Monday 21 October 2013

Rhythm, Rap And Rhyme Creating Peaceful Time

This is my google drawing about rhythm, rap and rhyme creating Peaceful times

What's Hiding In your Spelling Words?

These are my spelling words for the week. For this part of my spelling I had to see what was hiding in my spelling words.

bicycle - cycle, bye, by
cemetery - met,
enunciation - nun, a, cat, ton
humanity - man, a
innocence - nice,
onomatopoeia - pea, me, mat, top, pot
procession - pro, process, on, in,
pronunciation - pro, nun, a, cat,
resolvement - resolve, ment
rhythm - thy
scrumptious - scrum, rum, pump
statistics - is, sat, a,