
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Maths For Wednesday 4 2013

Answer the following questions - We will mark as a class

1. What is a protractor used for? A protractor is used for measuring two lines.

2. What is a compass? A compass makes a perfect circle.

3. How many degrees is a right angle? 90.

4. What is a scalene triangle? A scalene triangle is a triangle with no equal sides.

5. How many sides does an octagon have? 8.

6. A square has 4 sides, but when it becomes a 3D shape what is it called and how many faces/sides does it have? It is called a cube. It has 8 faces and 8 sides.

7. I am a triangle with three equal sides, I am called a? Equilateral.

8. What is a perimeter? It is a length of a line.

9. What is area? It is what is inside of the perimeter.

10. How many degrees are there in a circle? 360 degrees.

11. If I had a pie and ate one half of it, how much would I have left? State your answer in DEGREES as a circle is made up of degrees. 180 degrees.

12.  5cm
What is the perimeter of this rectangle? 18.

13.  3cm
What is area of this rectangle? 21.

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