
Thursday 4 July 2013

Current Events

Current Events: Summarise a current event in your own words. You can use Kiwi Kids News or Herald.
Remember the W's and H!

Tittle: Afghanistan Wants to play peaceful

Who: the people that were involved were the Afghanistan tropes, Baroda Obama and The President Of Afghanistan.

What:  The  President Of Afghanistan wants to keep peace with the Us but he doesn't want to stop way.

When: I don't know because it didn't say in the article.

Where: This happened in Afghanistan.

Are there any disagreements in this article: Yes there is alot of dis agreements in this article between the President Of Afghanistan and the US President.

Are there any good things in this article: No there  are no good things in this article because

How do you think the people are feeling: I think people in Afghanistan are scared because the US and Afghanistan might go to war again.

what have you learnt from this article: To not set war with any one and don't play around with guns.

what do you think the author wanted to state: Don't fight with anyone just stay humble with people.

what to you think was the authors massage was:

I think the authors massage was that to get along with each other and don't argue.      

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