
Thursday 4 July 2013

Reading Log

Reading Log: Read for at least 15 minutes every night. Complete you reading log.

Monday 1 July 2013 - How many pages did you read today? Today I read pages from 1 to 30.
What did you read about today? Today I read about a boy who name was Barley. barley was really over weighted.
All he did every day was eat candy and play video games. His parents are getting concerned that he was getting
too over weighted and that is the part I am up to.
What do you think will happen next?  I think that his parents will want to do something about it.

Tuesday 2 July 2013 - How many pages did you read today? Today I read pages from 30 to 60.
What did you read about today? Today I read about Barleys mum who called a personal trainer to train his son
because he is really overweighted and he refuses to go to the gym.  But Barley still didnt want to exersize even
though he has a trainer at home and that is the page I am upto.
What do you think will happen next? I think that the personal trainer will try and work harder to try and get him
to get up off his bum and to lose some weight.

Wednesday 3 July 2013 - How many pages did you read today? Today I read pages from 60 to 90.
What did you read about today? Today I read about Barleys personal trainer says to Barley that he will
give him chocolate block f he trains for 1 week (But the personal trainer was lying) and Barley said yes.
Then he said he will give him two again next week, then he said he will give him 3 the week, then he said
he will give him 5 more for the next 5 weeks ( But still he was lieing). That is the page I am up to.
What do you think will happen next? I think that he will have abs and muscles and he will also become fit.

Thursday 4 July 2013  - How many pages did you read today? I read pages from 90 to 124
What did you read about today? Today I read about Barley eventually loosing 38 pounds in 8 weeks.
What do you think will happen next? Sadly this is the end of my cool as book named fat Barley.

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